St Pat’s News

Director of Sport Report – June 7, 2018

Please click on- this link– for a Sports Report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb.–


Performing Arts Report – June 7, 2018

A busy week! The week beginning 28th May was a busy one for the music department. Year 7 Concerts -“ Monday May 28th Each year the Year 7 Boys perform a concert that demonstrates the progress they’ve made since beginning to learn a -‘Band’ instrument in term 1. Learning an instrument in a group setting…


Information Technology Update – June 07, 2018

Balancing protection with education when it comes to children and technology on Life A recent episode of Life Matters on ABC Radio National had Cyber Safety experts Susan Mclean and Dr Michael Salter discuss the dilemma parents and schools face in balancing protection with education when students go online. Susan McLean is an ex-Victoria Police…


Mission Report – June 7, 2018

Schools are communities that rely on routine. We have timetables, bells and repeated cycles that let us know where we should be and what we should be doing. So we welcome the approaching holidays and the break from routine for our students. We celebrate that moment in the morning when they pause over breakfast to…


Boarding Bulletin Board – June 7, 2018

-‘Boarding Bulletin Board (T2)’ News around the Boarding Precinct On Sunday May 27th, we welcomed over a hundred guests, from both our Boarding Community and wider College Community, to our Term 2 Family Dinner and Mass, that coincides with the commencement of National Reconciliation Week. The Mass was a wonderful celebration, which concluded with all…


KRC Update – June 7, 2018

Study skills and exam techniques Exams. It’s that time of year when we use summative assessment tasks to gauge a student’s academic progress. While it is fair to say that this is not everyone’s favourite activity, there are some things that can be done to lessen the pain. Good study skills help students manage the…


VCAL Update – June 7, 2018

Applied Learning Program at St Patrick’s College ** Save the Date** October 18 from 6 pm at the OCA Pavilion, Applied Learning Celebration Evening. As the second year of Applied Learning Program at St Pat’s proceeds, it is timely to focus on boys’ achievements. The boys making Bluetooth speakers has been a very successful and…


Pastoral Care Report – June 7, 2018

Mindfulness Last week, along with four other staff members, I attended the Positive Schools Conference in Melbourne. This event is a significant way for leaders and teachers to learn about the latest research in to wellbeing, mental health, and positive psychology. A recurring theme over the two days was the importance of mindfulness. Mindfulness allows…


SPC 1st XVIII v Ballarat Grammar – 6/6/18

SPC 14.17 (101)- d Ballarat Grammar 3.7 (25) Best Players: Jack Tillig, Adrian Lawrence, Tom Clark, Nick Stevens, Matty Lloyd, Josh Chatfield Goals SPC Blue: D. O’Brien 4, K. Counsellor, A. Morrish, I. Grant, F. Marris 2, C. Craig-Peters, M. Lloyd 1 In the final round of the BAS 1st XVIII competition SPC took on…


Promote your business on SPC Business DirectoryApp

Promote your business to the wider SPC community by registering on the SPC Business Directory App. Paarhammer Windows & Doors is one of the many businesses, which can see the benefits of being involved in the app. Thomas Paarhammer (SPC 2010-15) is currently training to take over the family business. -The SPC community in Ballarat…