St Pat’s News

Where our they now – Brendon Stahl (SPC 1960-62)

The College reconnects with former boarder Brendon Stahl (SPC 1960-62) who remembers being told by Br (Bill) O’Malley that he was -as silly as the train that went up the middle of the main street of Wycheproof-.-   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? I joined the State Bank of Victoria in Wycheproof…


Where are they now – Brian Dillon (SPC 1954-57)

The College reconnect with Brian Dillon (SPC 1954-57) who remembers being led by a magnificent group of Brothers who upheld their vows and gave exemplary leadership and example in every way.   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? After leaving St Patrick’s with the Leaving certificate, I began a pharmacy apprenticeship which I…


Where are they now – Jason Gigliotti (SPC 1984-89)

The College recently reconnected with Jason Gigliotti (SPC 1984-89) who enjoyed the many relationships he shared at SPC during his time.     Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? After finishing Year 12 in 1989, I went fruit picking. It was a great break away and helped save for the first car. I…


Where are they now – James Fahey (SPC 2007-12)

The College reconnects with James Fahey (SPC 2007-12) who is a doctor and has been a regular guest speaker at the annual SPC Careers Expo, sharing his knowledge with our current students interested in medicine.     Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? I graduated from SPC in 2012. I completed my Bachelor…


Old Collegians tackle Kokoda together

A group of SPC Old Collegians from 1990 tackled the Kokoda Track together recently. The group, pictured above, included- Stefan Seketa (1985-90), Michael Hughes (1987-90), Mark Bond (1988-90), Robert Calnon (1985-90), Paul Barry (1987-90)- and- Paul Fogarty (1988-90).- We thank the men for sharing the trip with us, and Stefan Seketa writes about their –…


KRC Update – September 15, 2017

Ballarat Catholic Diocese Chess Tournament We hosted the annual Ballarat Diocese Chess Tournament. With 6 schools in attendance, 2 who have qualified for the State Chess Championships, the competition was of a very high standard. Players were allocated 15 minutes each per game and encouraged to use the time shrewdly and not make hasty decisions….


Headmaster’s Message – September 15, 2017

Dear Parents, Carers, Friends, Staff and Students of St Patrick’s College, – The past two weeks have been an incredibly busy, yet exciting time in the life of St Patrick’s College. – Commencing with our Rugby, Football and Applied Learning Presentation Evenings, followed by last night’s Purton and Breach Oratory Competition and continuing with next…


Wellbeing Report – September 15, 2017

College Uniform As we come to the end of a very busy term may I remind everyone that Term four will commence on Monday October 9, 2017. It is expected that all students will present at school in the official College summer uniform that is: -¢ College Suit coat -¢ White Shirt -¢ College tie…


Boarding Report – September 15, 2017

As we reach the final edition of our College’s Crest newsletter for Term 3, I thought I would turn the tables and ask our Year 12s who now move into the final straight as a boarder at SPC to reflect on their time with us. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I…


Senior School Report – September 15, 2017

The end of term is predictably as busy as ever.- Students from Years 10 to 12 often finish with a flurry of assessment tasks.- The Year 12 SATs that tend to be due in these last two weeks are the culmination of two or three terms of work.- They cannot be done in a couple…