St Pat’s News

Middle School Report – August 17, 2017

The Year 9 Retreat was conducted this week. It was facilitated by RealTalk Ministries, with the theme of -‘Stronger’. The day encourages and challenges students to work on themselves and their relationships by making good, and at times, hard decisions. Stronger awakens the idea that men are shaped by the choices they make. Stronger is…


Information Technology Update – August 17, 2017

Backing up the iPad It is very important that the boy’s iPads are being regularly backed up. From time to time our IT Staff have to reset an iPad to its original factory settings in order to solve a problem or update an operating system. It is important that in order to do this the…


Careers Update – August 17, 2017

Careers & Transition THIS WEEK: All Year 12s had an option to attend- the VTAC- Account Registration sessions from 7 August. Year 11s are last year level to finalise their choices after a very busy period of school subject selection. Our brightest Year 10s are this week involved in- Mindshop Excellence programs at Simplex Insurance…


Wellbeing Report – August 17, 2017

Keeping Safe: Information for- Parents As part of St Patrick’s College mission to create a safe and secure learning environment for our students, it is crucial that our broader community of parents are well-informed with the latest information and research available, so we can work as partners to keep our students safe.- This week’s focus…


Mission Report – August 17, 2017

August is a rich time in our liturgical year. August 8th is the Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross, Australia’s first canonised saint. St Mary’s story is one of great endurance and inspiration for our times. If you are not familiar with her story may I recommend investing a little time at the website…


Boarding Report – August 17, 2017

It has been a challenging commencement to Term 3. As our unique Ballarat weather begins to unfold, its effect has been felt by all within our boarding community. An illness has swept through our boarding halls and dorms taking no prisoners. It is at times like this, for staff and students, that showing compassion, support…


2017 BAS 1st XI Soccer Grand Final

BAS Grand Final St Patrick’s College 1 defeated Ballarat Grammar 0 GOALS: Josh DeVoogel BEST: Henry Ward, Josh DeVoogel, Ryan Schorback, James King, Mark Ritchie, Mitch Ralston, Tiernan Somers, Marcus Parini, Connor O’Callaghan, Dennis Wanjiku Congratulations to this fine group of St Patrick’s boys for producing another BAS Grand Final win against a very talented…


1st XV rugby – SPC d Xavier

St. Patrick’s College 1st XV 45 d Xavier College 12 (H) (5/8/17) – Try scorers: Charlie Pollard 2, Ryan Yeomans, Will Harrison, Eddie Sauvao, Chris Tuitea, Inoke Siola’a Conversions: Chris Tuitea (5/6), Will Harrison (0/1) – 5 -“ Inoke Siola’a 4 -“ Ethan Jessop 3 -“ Ola Tauelangi 2 -“ Pou Siola’a 1 -“ Eddie…


Senior School Report – August 3, 2017

Last week our Year- 11s took a day out of their normal schedule to listen to David Kobler present on -What is it to be a man?– He gave our boys a perspective that is counter to what is often portrayed in the media or entertainment.- Hopefully our boys will be able take much of…


Mission Report – August 3, 2017

How many of us are finding it hard to get out of bed on these cold mornings? How many of our Year 12 students are finding it hard to complete that extra hour of study as the year gains momentum towards final exams? How many of our Year 7 students are finding the routines of…