St Pat’s News

Senior School Report – June 23, 2017

The end of the semester has arrived, with a bit of a rush in the end.- Staff and students may now enjoy a well-earned break.- The many Year 10s and 11s who have strived to give a good account of themselves in exams, and the Year 12s who have handed in components of SATs and…


Wellbeing Report – June 22, 2017

At the commencement of the second semester, our students will be participating in wide variety of evidence-based curriculum programs that underpin our Pastoral Care Program.- Year 7 students will investigate the concept of bullying during term three, whilst Year 8 students will commence the -‘Building Respectful Relationships’ program, which is being officially rolled out across…


Information Technology Update – June 22, 2017

Scam Watch This week’s episode of 4 Corners focussed on a number of important topics such as cyber scams and phishing. (Phishing usually comes in the form of emails which look like they are coming from a trustworthy source but are in fact coming from untrusted sites.) Unfortunately, while we all find the convenience of…


Junior School Report – June 22, 2017

This term in Year 7 Religious Education, students have completed a unit of study with the focus question, -How can we make a difference?- The unit has centred on how we as individuals and as a community can help bring about the Kingdom of God. Throughout the term, students have discovered more about the two…


Teaching and Learning Report – June 22, 2017

Use of Parent Access Module (PAM) to access end semester reports All Years 7-12 end of semester reports will be available from 4:00pm on Friday, June 30 (not June 23 as was originally indicated)- via PAM. Parents will have access to one or more of the following reports: An end of semester Statement of Attainment…


Reminiscing with David Ranger (SPC 2002-07)

Do you recognize this young, smiling St Patrick’s College student from 2007? He may have been missing from the recent 10-Year Reunion, held at the College last month, but Class of 2007 College Captain David Ranger made sure he was there in spirit, sending a message to his old school mates from thousands of miles…


Engagements, Marriages and Births

SPC ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES AND BIRTHS   ENGAGEMENTS Carl Smith (SPC 2008-11) and Lauren Buttler became- engaged in London recently- after six years together. Congratulations to you both!   BIRTHS Michael Toohey (current staff) and Leah proudly announced the arrival of Maximilian Francis Toohey, pictured above, on the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. Born June 12, at…


Introducing the new SPC Business Directory App

St Patrick’s College is excited to launch a new initiative aimed at harnessing the power of our community – the St Patrick’s College Business Directory App. – The SPC Business Directory App provides a unique opportunity for members of our College community, ie current families, Old Collegians and suppliers to promote their businesses, products and/or…


Old Boys in the News – June 2017

Our Old Boys have been busy boys in all sectors, including: – Adelaide 36ers NBL star Nathan Sobey (SPC 2008), pictured above,- who has just signed a deal to play with the Utah Jazz in the NBA Summer League competition. Nathan will become the first SPC Old Boy ever to represent an NBA team. If…


Where are they now – Gavin Greer (SPC 1951-55)

The College reconnects with former boarder Gavin Greer (SPC 1951-55) who fulfilled a lifelong dream of joining the Navy and has since retired to travel with his wife of 53 years. Three generations of the Greer family are pictured in this Anzac Day 2016 photo, with- Gavin, pictured right, ex POATC, with his grandson in…