St Pat’s News

Director of Sport Report – November 3, 2016

Please click on this link– for a Sports Report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb.–


Wellbeing Report – November 3, 2016

The Importance of Student Leadership and Student Voice When students are listened to and given the opportunity to lead and choose, both in class and the broader school, their engagement to learning and school culture increases. This is a win-win outcome for parents, students and teachers.- There are range of ways that we are placing…


Mission Report – November 3, 2016

One of the privileges of a school is the responsibility of constantly asking questions. A rigorous curriculum should offer every student a sequence of timely and important questions that invite them into a deeper understanding of a meaningful life. This understanding then evolves into the further questions of taking on the worthwhile commitments that define…


Boarding Report – November 3, 2016

At the moment the College is undertaking an exploration into our statement of -Raising fine boys to the status of great men-. At its core it must surely refer to a journey and not one that we will necessarily see the conclusion to. We equip all those that walk through our gates with the skills…


Information Technology Update – November 3, 2016

Year 9 Parent Decision to Return or Buy College Supplied iPad A letter will soon be sent to all Year 9 parents asking if you wish to purchase or return the College supplied iPad your son has been using for the last 3 years. At the start of the 2014 school year, your son was…


Performing Arts report – October 20, 2016

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Our Junior School production of William Shakespeare’s -A Midsummer Night’s Dream- is being performed this week on Thursday October 20 and Friday October 21 at 7:30pm in the Sir Bernard Heinz Theatre. The production was going to be performed in the College Gardens however with strong winds and rain forecast, the…


Headmaster’s Message – October 20, 2016

Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends of St Patrick’s College, It has been another momentous week in the life of St Patrick’s College with the highlight being Wednesday’s Thanksgiving Mass where we farewelled our Year 12 Class of 2016 and wished them all the best for their coming exams. Throughout 2016, our Year 12 cohort have…


Director of Sport Report – October 20, 2016

Please click on- this link for a Sports Report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb. –


Mission Report – October 20, 2016

Thanksgiving has been a key theme for this week. On Sunday night our Boarding Community celebrated the year and invited the departing Year 12 students to have hearts of thanks for the many gifts they have received from their family and their time at St Patrick’s College.- From our Mass celebrated Fr Rupert Bowd to…


Wellbeing Report – October 20, 2016

Mental Health Week-The Work Continues-¦ Last week’s Mental Health Week assembly achieved the aim of beginning the conversation with the students about Mental Health and the importance of each of us being responsible for our own mental health. There were two guest speakers, Andrew Penny from Headspace and one of our two counsellors, Eric Hayes….