St Pat’s News

College Chaplain Reflection – October 20, 2016

We all know that person who harps on continually about that overseas trip they’ve just had-¦ even months after that fact. Well, I’m going to be that person. After all, we still have to get through a couple of the Pope’s homilies from World Youth Day in Krakow.So, if you remember, we are up to…


Teaching and Learning Report – October 20, 2016

1:1 Program -“ update on 2017 devices The introduction of iPads into Years 7-9 in 2014 has proven to be an important element in the implementation of the initial phase of the College’s eLearning strategic plan. 2017 will see the next phase of the eLearning plan affected through the continued expansion of the 1:1 program…


Junior School Report – October 20, 2016

The year is quickly slipping by and Term 4 is an extremely busy time at St Patrick’s. At this time of the year it is of extreme importance that boys are very mindful of being organised. Being organised can alleviate many of the anxieties and issues that arise at this time of the year. Simple…


Careers Update – October 20, 2016

Please click on- this link- – for all your Careers News.


Information Technology Update – October 20, 2016

Year 9 Students 1:1 Device 2017 and beyond Our current Year 9 students are all using a College supplied iPad which they received at the start of Year 7 2014. However, moving in to Year 10 in 2017, the boys will begin to be a part of the Senior School 1:1 program which sees the…


Boarding Report – October 20, 2016

I am most conscious of the number of families who, due to the remoteness of -home-, are unable to join us when we gather as a community as we did last night to farewell our Yr12 boarding cohort. For that reason, I offer my speech as our boarding contribution for this Crest edition. I hope…


Administration Report – October 20, 2016

2017 Subject Confirmation Letters The 2017 subject confirmation letters for all current students in Years 8 -“ 11 have been mailed to all parents this week. If you have an enquiry about possible subject change requests for your son, contact the Director of Administration, Mr. Damian Kinnersly. Please be aware that not all change requests…


Middle School Report – October 20, 2016

Just a reminder to all Year 9 families that this term will be a very busy one, as the boys continue their journey towards completing the Middle School. During Week 6 of Term 4 (9/11 -“ 11/1) the Year 9 students will attend their final expedition as part of the Year 9 Experiential Program. Your…


2018 Year 7 Information Evening – this Wednesday

St Patrick’s College 2018 Year 7 Information Evening – Wednesday 26 Oct All families are invited to attend the 2018 Year 7 Information evening to hear from the Headmaster, Mr John Crowley and Director of Junior School, Mr John Richards on the fantastic educational experiences awaiting your son at St Patrick’s College. The evening will…


Where Are They Now – Sean Balchin

The College reconnects with Sean Balchin (SPC 1986-90), who remembers his boarding time and rowing memories- fondly at St Patrick’s College.   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? After leaving SPC I moved into a place of my own and got straight into work life, initially as a cabinet-making apprentice. I completed my…