St Pat’s News

Promote Your Business in the Shamrock Magazine

St Patrick’s College has some exciting news to share with our school community -“ businesses can now advertise in our popular school publication, The Shamrock magazine.As you well know, The Shamrock is a glossy, full colour magazine, produced three times a year by the College and the Old Collegians Association with all the latest student…


Mission Report – May 26, 2016

St Patrick’s College overflows with moments that offer an encounter with our essential character. This Sunday is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. In this celebration we gather around the Eucharistic table to joyfully acknowledge the many gifts that Jesus has given us, and be reminded that we are to…


College Chaplain Reflection – May 26, 2016

Some important marks of the Christian life are the care and attention we are able to show the people around us. I’ve said it before but it is worth repeating. As humans we are created for love. To love and be loved is the meaning of life. Taking this a step further, to love is…


Boarding Report – May 26, 2016

There has been a series of articles written in the Australian Financial Review of late on the topic of boarding. I referenced one such in our last Crest edition and I do so again this evening -“ and in keeping with the comments of our housemaster team. On numerous occasions there have been discussions about…


Administration Report – May 26, 2016

Student Subject Changes for Semester 2 Students who wish to request a change of subject for Semester 2 will need to collect an application form from the student desk in the ERC. For general requests there is a yellow form. All mathematic change requests need to be completed on the blue form which also requires…


Information Technology Update – May 26, 2016

The Importance of Teenage Sleep and the effect of Devices One of the most important issues we as parents deal with is the health of our children, and making sure they get enough sleep is always an important aim of all parents. Sleep is seen by many experts as one of the most important health…


Middle School Report – May 26, 2016

We have passed the half way mark of Term Two and life in the Middle School continues to be extremely busy for both staff and students. As the boys are finishing their last assessments in their respective subjects, they should be now vigorously revising their work so that they can do their very best in…


Senior School Report – May 26, 2016

Newman College Forum Dinner Newman College is one of the residential Colleges located on the grounds of the University of Melbourne. Last Friday night Year 12 students Cameron Adams and Glyn Kendal and I joined old boys James McKinnon, Will Briggs and David Adams at the Newman College Annual Forum Dinner. A great night was…


Teaching and Learning Report – May 26, 2016

May 17 College Assembly As we move towards the end of Term Two, and the number of completed assessment tasks increases, there were several boys whose efforts and academic excellence were worthy of recognition. We started the assembly by acknowledging the outstanding work of number of Year 8 students, Nathan Delvescovo, Kyle Truscott, Josh Farrington,…


Headmaster’s Message – May 26, 2016

Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends of St Patrick’s College, Earlier this week, the College received the exciting news that one of its past students, Jake Laidlaw, won the HIA Australian Apprentice of the Year Award. In acknowledging his success, the following description of Jake’s work ethic was given: Jake demonstrates exceptional leadership skills -“ judges…