St Pat’s News

College Chaplain Reflection – June 9, 2016

Sharing of times when it workedWe are fast coming towards the end of term now-¦ but who is counting?Our staff will have a few formation days during the first week of the holidays. Unfortunately I won’t able to join them as I will be away. There is one activity in particular that I think the…


SPC Careers Expo – Wednesday July 27

2016 SPC Careers Expo Wednesday July 27 -“ 5.30pm to 7.30pm Old Collegians Pavilion INVITATION TO THE SPC CAREERS EXPO An invitation is extended to Year 9, Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students and their parents/carers to the 2016 St Patrick’s College Careers Exposition. The SPC Careers Expo provides students an opportunity to…


KRC Update – June 9, 2016

KRC holiday opening hours The KRC will be open for study and borrowing during the holidays from 9.00am -“ 4.00pm every weekday. Please note we will be closed on Monday 20, Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 23 June. New Term Opening hours The KRC will be open from 8.00 am -“ 5.00 pm on Monday to…


Boarding Report – June 9, 2016

This will be our final contribution to the College’s newsletter for this term so it is fitting to acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of our boarding community. Most recently we were all able to come together for our annual Boarding Community Reconciliation Week Mass & Dinner. This was an absolute celebration of our community-sense with…


Headmaster’s Message – June 9, 2016

Dear Parents, Guardians, Friends and Students of St Patrick’s College, Les Miserables Last Wednesday evening the curtain went up for the 2016 Loreto College and St Patrick’s College production of Les Miserables – and what a production it was! From the outset it was clear the standard of performance was exceptionally high. In particular, all…


Old Collegian Obituaries – June 2016

Gavan Bourke (SPC 1951-54) died in February. More than 1000 people attended his funeral at St Patrick’s, Pakenham including a large number of Old Collegians such as Fr Kevin Arundell, Graeme Sampieri, John Deany, Brian Dillon, Michael Martin, Noel Moore, Dr Jim Shaw and Brian Costigan. – Gavan boarded at St Patrick’s with his five…


Old Boy’s Australia Day honour

St Patrick’s College congratulates Old Collegian Gavan Breen (SPC 1948-1952) for being awarded the Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) in the 2016 Australia Day honours list for his distinguished service to the Indigenous community through the preservation of languages, to the development of orthographies, and to education. John Gavan Breen was born in…


Working towards healing

St Patrick’s College this week took a major step towards the creation of a permanent, visible and accessible monument to victims and survivors of child sexual abuse. Three past students of St Patrick’s College who are victims and survivors of abuse -“ Peter Blenkiron, Andrew Collins and Phil Nagle -“ joined a lunch meeting on…


Where Are They Now – Andrew Locke

The College reconnects with Andrew Locke (SPC 1985-88) who is forming a successful career in insurance.   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?   While doing Year 12 in 1988 I wanted to study property and become a valuer.- I secured a traineeship at Hayden Real Estate which I thought would be a…


Unsung Heroes

St Patrick’s College has established a tremendous history of honouring its high flying footballers -“ the men who have soared above the pack and have reached greatness. Now, in 2016, the College is introducing a new major event to honour the many men who have contributed to our great footy history but have largely flown…