St Pat’s News

Information Technology Update – April 14, 2016

Online Safety – Family Internet Safety AgreementsThe use of the internet at home plays a big part in our children’s lives. There are a number ways our children access the internet at home including on their smart phones, computers, laptops, iPods, tablet devices (iPads), smart TVs and popular gaming consoles such as Nintendo, Sony PS3/4…


Teaching and Learning Report – April 2016

2016 NAPLAN for Year 7 and Year 9 students The 2016 National Assessment Program -“ Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 7 and 9 students will be held on Tuesday May 10, Wednesday May 11 and Thursday May 12. Friday May 13 will be used as a -‘catch-up’ day for boys who were absent for…


SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 14

SPC Tour of Ireland and the UK – Oh what a night! It would be fair to say that when most of our students saw their itinerary for the entire tour they were probably dreading this night the most. After all, most of the boys on this trip are more inclined towards enjoying sport rather…


SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 13

SPC Tour of Ireland and the UK -“ Day 13 – Sport can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. It can be savoured and relished, like a fine wine by the open fireplace in a reclining leather chair. Or, at the other end of the spectrum, it can be raucously celebrated with club colours,…


SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 12

SPC Tour of Ireland and the UK -“ Day 12 If there is any city in the world which could lay claim to being a better sporting city than Melbourne, it would be London. Today, our boys were presented the opportunity to experience two of the iconic sporting venues in this wonderful city. First stop…


SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 11

SPC Tour of Ireland and the UK -“ Day 11 – After ten amazing days touring the green fields, the rocky northern terrain and the many wonderful cities and towns, it was time to bid farewell to the island and Ireland and cross the Irish Sea bound for London. A busy morning ensued with loading…


SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 10

SPC Tour of Ireland -“ Day 10 An early departure from Maghera meant boys had to be returned from their homestay families by 7.30am. The students returned with many varied tales of enjoying the wonderful hospitality from their Irish hosts, including many who had spent a couple of nights on rural properties, being put to…


SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 9

SPC Tour of Ireland -“ Day 9 – We’ve often commented on this tour how blessed and how lucky we have been with the weather. Crisp, sunny days have greeted us for most of the time and even when the heavens have opened the showers have seemed to coincide with our time in transit or…


SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 8

SPC Tour of Ireland -“ Day 8 – Our convoy (well, one bus and a car) moved from Derry to the smaller regional city of Maghera this morning where the students were introduced to their host families who will provide lodging for them over the next two days. After a couple of hours of familiarisation…


SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 7

SPC Tour of Ireland -“ Day 7 – Another long day of travelling greeted our touring party on Wednesday as we headed further north from Galway bound for Derry (also known as Londonderry). En route, we were able to enjoy a couple of quick stops while also enjoying the ever-changing but always spectacular Irish countryside….