St Pat’s News

Director of Sport Report – March 3, 2016

Please click on this link to view a sports wrap from the Director of Sport.


Senior School Report – March 3, 2016

We have two types of memory: Short term memory Long term memory When a boy first learns something it enters his short term memory. If he can link the new knowledge to something he has already stored in his brain then it will be retained.- If the information proves useful, like their password to their…


Information Technology Update – March 3, 2016

1:1 Devices We are now several weeks into term and we are now seeing nearly all boys across all year levels with fully functioning 1:1 devices, able to access all resources as expected. To see the boys accessing valuable online resources on their 1:1 device in class under the instruction of their teacher and taking…


Wellbeing Report – March 3, 2016

Head of the Lake Last Friday I was very proud of two groups of students. The wonderful team of rowers who won the regatta for the day Mr Peter Joyce, his team of coaches and rowing captains were a real team. They collaborated as a team, supported by families who dropped the boys off, picked…


Headmaster’s Message – March 3, 2016

Headmaster’s Address at the Boarding Precinct Plan Launch – February 26 It is with great joy that I welcome everyone here tonight to witness what we hope will be the start of an historic project which will guarantee and secure the long-term future of boarding at St Patrick’s College. In offering this welcome, we acknowledge…


Mission Report – March 3, 2016

We continue our journey through this Season of Lent -“ a time of transformation and unity for those who enter with humble and contrite hearts before our God. As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition we absorb much of our rich identity from the liturgical Seasons. Each has their distinctive colour and flavour…


College Chaplain Reflection – March 3, 2016

Lent is a time for us to take stock of who we are as human persons and of how we are called to live. When we considered the Scriptures teaching on Creation last year, we saw that there is a truth to who we are as humans in God’s plan. Inherent in that truth is…


KRC Update – March 3, 2016

Resources for VCE With all students studying VCE now in possession of an iPad it is timely to remind the community of the wonderful range of resources curated for VCE students by the KRC Team. These may be accessed through the VCE Curriculum Resources website. VCE subjects have pages of links and resources recommended by…


Middle School Report – March 3, 2016

With the term now more than half way completed, I thought it would be an opportune time to address the study habits of our Middle School students. Many parents have approached me recently for advice for their sons to improve their study habits. Whilst homework is an expected aspect of school life, often the difference…


Boarding Report – March 4, 2016

What a fortnight it has been for all within our boarding community. Whilst writing our previous boarding contribution to the Crest we were celebrating our first Boarding Community function for 2016 -“ and it certainly did not disappoint. Can I thank all those who attended this special evening. It is a hallmark of our boarding…