St Pat’s News

Careers Update – March 3, 2016

For all the latest posts on careers information and- events,- log onto the- SPC Careersblog @–– Including the- -‹Weekly Career News – the current- issue topics are:Science news from RiAUS -“ Australia’s science channelJournalism, advertising and entrepreneurship at Macleay College MelbourneFacebook page for students interested in apprenticeships and traineeshipsConsidering pursuing an electrical apprenticeship?Have you…


Performing Arts Report – March 3, 2016

Music Camp From February 26 -“ 28, the boys in our Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Stage Band and Chamber Choir participated in our annual music camp at Lake Dewar. The camp provided an opportunity for the boys to commence learning new pieces of music that will be played throughout the year and also provided…


Dux’s Academic Assembly Address

2015 College Dux Paddy Collier delivered the following address to the 2016 Academic Assembly which was held in the Br W. T. O’Malley Sports Centre on Tuesday, February 16, 2016. – Today I find myself in a position I never really believed I would be in. For me this is an opportunity to give something…


Important meeting for Ireland Trip

Dear Parents, Students and Colleagues, An important meeting will be held next Wednesday March 2 at 7:30pm in the Old Collegians Pavilion to finalise details regarding the upcoming tour of Ireland. Parents and their sons attending the tour are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting as there will be much important information delivered as well…


Mission Report – February 19, 2016

Through liturgy and service we have entered the Season of Lent. On Ash Wednesday we gathered in the O’Malley Gym to listen to the Gospel and receive the ashes on our foreheads. In the Gospel we heard the call to pray, fast and do good works in this Season, but do them for the right…


Senior School Report – February 18, 2016

The annual St Patrick’s College Swimming Carnival, will be held this Friday at the Eureka Pool. May I remind all boys in the Senior School wishing to be dismissed from the pool that they will need a letter from their parents confirming same. – Study skills-¦ Let’s focus on organisation. An integral part of being…


KRC Update – February 18, 2016

WIRED 2016 – The WIRED (Wide Interest Reading English Development) program for years 7 -“ 9 students at St Patrick’s College is in its eighth year. Best practice requires programs to be regularly reviewed to ensure they are meeting their stated goals and it is important to ensure that we measure outcomes of the program…


Message Regarding Alcohol at School Functions

Important message from the Headmaster regarding alcohol at School functions St Patrick’s College takes very seriously its responsibility to provide a safe and caring environment for all students. It also believes strongly that its staff and current parents have a very important role to play in setting the right example in terms of responsibility and…


Headmaster’s Message – February 18, 2016

Headmaster’s Address to Academic Assembly- – February 16, 2016 Welcome to all of our invited guests, parents, guardians, grandparents, friends, staff and most importantly, our students. In offering this greeting, we acknowledge the traditional custodians of this great land. They are the Wathaurong People. We pay our respects to them for their care of the…


Teaching and Learning Report – February 18, 2016

Academic Assembly The College community gathered this week for the annual Academic Assembly. The Academic Assembly recognises the academic excellence of our high achieving VCE students and those boys whose aggregated performance in all semester two assessment tasks placed them in the top 15% of their year level. The College Dux is presented annually to…