St Pat’s News

Director of Sports Report

Director of Sport, Ms Tina Benoit, provides an update on sporting activities at the College. Please click on the link below to view the Sports Report. Sports Report Term 4 Week 8


Performing Arts Report

by Ms Monique Allen, Head of Co-Curricular Performance P.A.C.C Wrap Up A huge thank you to all staff and students who attended our end of year Performing Arts Co-Curricular Wrap Up last week. It was a wonderful chance to come together and celebrate the year that was and look forward to opportunities in 2022. The…


Careers Update

Please read the Weekly Career News each week to ensure you keep up to date with upcoming career events and key dates. Please click on the following link to view the current Weekly Careers News. Weekly Careers News 24 Nov 2021 Mr Anthony Meehan Careers and Transition Manager


Year 7 2022 Orientation Day and Welcome

Dear Parents, Carers and Guardians of Year 7 2022 students, Welcome to St Patrick’s College.   ORIENTATION DAY On Tuesday, 30 November we welcome all new Year 7 students to the College for Orientation Day. Students are welcome to arrive at the College from 8.40 am with Pastoral Care commencing at 8.50 am. Parents are…


Teaching and Learning Report

By Director of Teaching and Learning, Mrs Julia Petrov Exams   With the exams commencing on Monday, November 29, the next few weeks will focus on knowledge and skill consolidation for Years 7 – 10 students.  To further support your son in his preparation for these exams, teachers will be emphasising two key aspects – revision for the exam and exam technique.  …


Acting Deputy Principal and Senior School Report

by Acting Deputy Principal and Director of the Senior School, Mr Hamish McCrum Some of our Year 12s have finished exams and others will go through until next Tuesday.  In 2021, some of the VCAA exams have appeared to have been more difficult than other years.  While an exam that is too hard or too…


KRC Update

by Director of Library and Information Services, Ms Leonie Darken It is imperative that we stay connected to our history and with that in mind, the KRC created a display to promote boys’ awareness of Armistice Day / Remembrance Day.  We are proud to hold many non-fiction titles that speak about the many wars that…


Director of Sports Report

Director of Sport, Ms Tina Benoit, provides an update on sporting activities at the College. Please click on the link below to view the Sports Report. Sports Report Term 4 Week 6


Boarding Bulletin Board

News around the Boarding Precinct We extend further congratulations to our remaining Year 12 cohort who wrap up their exams early next week. This group of young men have shown exceptional resilience and strength throughout a difficult period of time, in and out of lockdowns, remote learning and uncertainty, and no matter the results, we…


Principal’s Message

by Principal, Mr Steven O’Connor Remembrance Day As I write this short article, staff and students in Years 7-10 will gather this morning (Thursday, November 11) to remember those men and women who have served Australia in the military across so many conflicts, particularly in WWI, which ended on Armistice Day 103 years ago on…