St Pat’s News

Where are they now – Anthony Pearce (SPC 1988-93)

The College recently reconnected with Anthony Pearce (SPC 1988-93) who loved his time in the cadets at SPC, helping to nurture his interests and passions, and he is now Commander of Fire Rescue Victoria.   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? After school I completed an Advanced Certificate in Fire Technology. I became…


KRC Update

by Director of Library and Information Services, Ms Leonie Darken Book Week During Remote Learning COVID lockdown sessions continue to challenge all facets of teaching and learning.  The library had been geared to encourage the boys to join in the celebrations of the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Book Week, however, we will now look…


Teaching and Learning Report

By Director of Teaching and Learning, Mrs Julia Petrov Tutoring Online We are continuing to offer students tutoring during this period of remote learning for Maths, English, Humanities and Study Skills. Ten-minute sessions will be conducted online through Teams. Students may benefit from having a brief one-to-one session to support them with classwork or with…


Principal’s Message

by Principal, Mr Steven O’Connor Lockdown Update It appears after the Premier’s press conference on Wednesday, September 1 that the lockdown will continue for a while longer. There is some hope with the prospect of restrictions possibly being reviewed and lifted for large parts of regional Victoria as early as next week. It is certainly…


Director of Sports Report

Director of Sport, Ms Tina Benoit, provides an update on sporting activities at the College. Please click on the link below to view the Sports Report. Sports Report Term 3 Week 8


Senior School Report

by Director of the Senior School, Mr Hamish McCrum The GAT has been postponed (again), the new scheduled date is Tuesday, October 5 (Week 1, Term 4).  This is something that individual schools and students have no control over, and just need to accept that this is the new date.  Despite the lockdowns being reasonably…


Middle School Report

by Mr Michael Busscher, Director of the Middle School  As we arrive at the conclusion of two weeks of Remote and Flexible learning many things are being cancelled and I often wonder what message this continues to send the boys. One of our special Year 9 Programs did successfully get off to a start before we…


Congratulations to Monsignor Frank Hickey

Congratulations to much-loved Monsignor Francis (Frank) Hickey (SPC 1942-43) who celebrated 70 years of priesthood recently. Monsignor Hickey was ordained as a priest on July 22, 1951 and retired at the age of 75 from full time ministry. The 95-year-old has reportedly lived in Nagambie for 20 years and has been a well-known figure at…


Mission Report

by Director of Mission, Mr Geoff Brodie What stops our students from attending their on-line classes? Well, how long have you got as we list the reasons? They are missing friends, tired of screens and the passive nature of the day, requiring the motivation of the personal interaction and invitation from their teachers, feeling a…


Careers Update

Please read the Weekly Career News each week to ensure you keep up to date with upcoming career events and key dates. Please click on the following link to view the current Weekly Careers News. Weekly Careers News 1 September 2021 Mr Anthony Meehan Careers and Transition Manager