St Pat’s News
Principal’s Message
by Principal, Mr Steven O’Connor NAPLAN Tests This week, students in Years 7 and 9 participated in the prescribed literacy and numeracy tests known as NAPLAN. During the course of 2020 and as a result of COVID-19, NAPLAN tests did not run across the nation. Thankfully, things are far more settled this year and NAPLAN…
Mission Report
by Director of Mission, Mr Geoff Brodie A Catholic school is a custodian of both the universal message of Jesus and the specific heritage of a community. The claim that we are a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition is the responsibility to live the saving message of Jesus in the unique circumstances of…
KRC Update
by Director of Library and Information Services, Ms Leonie Darken Spaces in the KRC The cold and wet weather of a Ballarat autumn has well and truly set in and we see many students using the library as their warm retreat before school, recess, lunchtime and after school. We are fortunate to be able to…
Middle School Report
by Mr Michael Busscher, Director of the Middle School A huge thank you to all of the parents who attended our Middle School Parent Information Night in preparation for their son embarking on the Melbourne Experience in Week 2 of next term. It was a wonderful evening to get together and bridge any concerns parents…
Performing Arts Report
by Ms Monique Allen, Head of Co-Curricular Performance ‘Private Peaceful’ – June 1 and June 2 at 7pm The College Play has been lucky enough to have current Year 11 student, Jed Brennan, design the wonderful poster displayed below to promote the performances which will take place in early June. The cast is busy rehearsing, and…
SPC Care
Community is at the core of St Patrick’s College. The school cares about its people. From current students and parents, to staff and Old Collegians – their safety and wellbeing is always of the highest importance. Which is why the College is launching a new program – SPC Care – dedicated to harnessing the power…
Bread tag battle continues
Students in our Applied Learning classes are continuing their efforts to collect as many bread bag tags as possible to help raise money to purchase wheelchairs for people in South Africa. Four collection containers, one for each College House, are located in the College front reception. Students are asked to place their bread tag in…
Hand, foot and mouth disease notice
The College advises that students in Years 7, 8 and 12 have contracted hand, foot and mouth disease. The boys in question are under appropriate medical care. Outlined below are some general guidelines for your information. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) is a virus that causes a rash or blisters on the hands and…
OCA purchases new boat for SPC Rowing
The College is very pleased to share the news of the acquisition of a new boat and a set or Braca scull oars for our junior crews for season 2022 and beyond. The boat is a bow steered coxed quad / sweep four, and is in near new condition, as it was a demonstration boat….
Old Boy’s book of moving poems
Love, Life and ANZAC Biscuits is a book of moving poems written by Old Collegian Lieutenant Colonel Barham Ferguson (SPC 1981-86) (formerly known as Barham Fahy) during full-time service in 2012. Before entering the Royal Military College, Duntroon, Barham attended St Patrick’s College. He saw operational service in Bougainville, Southern Thailand, Iraq, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Israel…