St Pat’s News

Director of Sports Report

Director of Sport, Ms Tina Benoit, provides an update on sporting activities at the College. Please click on the link below to view the Sports Report. Sports Report Term 1 Week 4


Mission Report

by Director of Mission, Mr Geoff Brodie Our liturgical calendar marked this Wednesday as Ash Wednesday. The Missal includes this note: Today we commence the Season of Lent, a time of preparation for the great feast of Easter. During Lent, we give special attention to prayer (attending to quality more so than quantity), fasting (emptying…


Senior School Report

by Director of the Senior School, Mr Hamish McCrum Hooray, we are back at school once again, where the teaching and learning is more effective and the social interaction is more natural.  Too many hours on screens either taking lessons or completing work is draining for staff and students alike.  I commend the students and…


Junior School Report

By Mr Gavin Webb, Director of the Junior School A warm hello to all. The fourth week of Term 1 is now complete, and the vast majority of boys have made an exceptional start to the year in the Junior School. There has been quite a number of Year Level and College events that the…


Principal’s Message

Circuit Breaker Lockdown I wish to thank the College community for its response to the decisions taken by the Victorian Government and agencies to send the State into a circuit breaker lockdown from midnight on Friday, 12 February. The professionalism of the College Leadership Team and several other members of staff in working through the…


Middle School Report

by Mr Michael Busscher, Director of the Middle School  Year 9 Queenscliff/Anglesea Camps Over the coming week the Year 9 students will attend the first of their experiential experiences. By now you will have received the information letter and permission form via PAM. This needs to be attended to with permission granted and the medical…


Careers Update

Please read the Weekly Career News each week to ensure you keep up to date with upcoming career events and key dates. Please click on the following link to view the current Weekly Careers News. Weekly Careers News 17 February 2021 Mr Anthony Meehan Careers and Transition Manager


Bernard O’Keefe (SPC 1940, PY1942)

Bernard O’Keefe (SPC 1940, PY1942) passed away peacefully on November 1, 2019, aged 94, in Geelong. Bernie completed his sub-intermediate studies at St Patrick’s College with his brother Desmond (dec) (SPC 1940, PY1943). The brothers boarded and were from Winslow, near Warrnambool. Bernie was the dearly loved husband of Colleen, who sadly passed away some…


John Michael McLaughlin (SPC 1957)

We were saddened to hear of the passing of John Michael McLaughlin (SPC 1957) who passed away on November 28, 2019. John lived in Mitcham, Melbourne with his family for many years. He was a boarder for one year only at SPC in 1957 from Box Hill. He remained close with many of his classmates…


Brian Joseph Hogan (SPC 1944-49)

Brian Joseph Hogan (SPC 1944-49) sadly passed away on December 10, 2019, aged 88, and we extend our deepest sympathy to Brian’s family. Brian was a boarder at SPC in the 1940s and his younger brothers Kevin and John also attended later. His son Paul recalled that his dad enjoyed receiving SPC news via The…