
Students are to take pride in their College by wearing the uniform correctly and acting in a way that reflects well on themselves, their families and St Patrick’s College. All items of uniform are available from the College.


Uniform Requirements

  • Navy Blue Suit Coat
  • Navy Blue Shorts (Term 1 and 4 only, trousers optional)
  • Navy Blue Trousers (Term 2 and 3)
  • White Shirt
  • SPC Tie
  • College Pullover
  • Regulation leather, black lace-up shoes



  • The suit coat is the outer garment which should be worn to and from school on all days unless specified (for example, extremely hot weather above 35 degrees).
  • The suit coat will be required for school assembly and other special occasions.
  • The pullover may not be worn as the outer garment, when travelling to and from school
  • Blue uniform shorts, with College socks, are permitted.
  • Plain white t-shirts or singlets may be worn under the shirt.
  • In wet weather students may wear the College Spray Jacket.

All articles of clothing are to be clearly marked with the owner’s name.

Year 12 Jumper and Tie
Year 12 students have the opportunity to purchase a Year 12 jumper and tie.

Physical Education

  • College Top
  • Blue SPC Shorts
  • SPC Rugby top and tracksuit pants
  • SPC Football Socks
  • SPC Sport Socks
  • Gym or track shoes

All enquiries regarding uniform should be directed to uniforms@stpats.vic.edu.au or you can call 5331 1688.