The College reconnects with Thomas Hoy (SPC 2008-13) who has returned to SPC this year teaching English, Humanities and International Studies. Thomas shares some of his favourite memories in the rowing team and which teachers inspired him at school.

Age: 23
Favourite hobbies: Art, carpentry, video games and movies
Favourite food: Steak
Favourite sporting team: Essendon
Favourite TV show: The Good Doctor
Favourite movie: The Martian
Favourite travel destination: Melbourne
If I could be anyone for the day, I would be: Neil Armstrong
Where has life taken you since leaving SPC and what is your role at the College now?
Since leaving St Patrick’s College, I have attended Federation University to complete a Bachelor of Visual Arts and Bachelor of Education with a Minor in History. I am also engaged to my lovely fiancée and high school sweetheart Amber. Currently, I have obtained a job in teaching and I’m back at St Patrick’s College teaching English, Humanities and International Studies.
What are your favorite memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?
I have countless memories from my time at St Patrick’s College. My favorite memories however, would have to be when I did rowing. I can still remember the early morning training sessions with my friends, rowing on the glistening water and all the races and events we took part in. My other favorite memories would also be of sporting days, the bread runs and dressing up as an Easter bunny with St Vincent De Paul, and spending my lunch and recesses with my friends playing sports or socializing. I have many fond memories of my time at St Patrick’s College.
Did you have a nickname at school?
My nickname at school would have been -Hoy Boy- or -Hoybe-.
Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?
From my time at St Patrick’s College, numerous teachers had an impact on who I am today. One teacher that comes to mind who had an impact on my studies is Mr (Matt) Taylor. During year 12, Mr Taylor was my Studio Art teacher, and through his method of teaching, I believed I excelled in not only Art, but all of my subjects; resulting in me achieving Dux of Studio Art. His attitude and passion for his teaching was clearly shown through his lessons, which I believed contributed to my successes in Art.
How has your time at SPC shaped your professional life and personal values?
My time at SPC taught me to always try my hardest and to complete every task to the best of my abilities; no matter how simple or large that task is. From my studies at Federation University to part-time jobs, I have always strived to do my best. In my personal life however, St Patrick’s College, though the Catholic Faith and in the Spirit of Edmund Rice has taught me to a compassionate and giving man; and to strive to be a great man. I still live my life by the values of St Patrick’s College, which have shown me how to experience fullness in life; which in my opinion is the goal of all men.
What do you hope to impart on students as an Old Collegian returning as a staff member?
As a returning Old Collegian, I hope to impart on the contemporary students that St Patrick’s College is far more than a mere high school. From the sport days, social events, swimming caravels, assemblies and ceremonies to name a few, St Patrick’s College provides a place of purpose and a place we can call our own, just as many other Old Collegians have done before.
If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?
If I were to pass on a message to the students of today, it would be to try your hardest and absolute best of your abilities in everything you do. Everyone’s abilities are different, but to walk out of the front gates every day knowing you did your best is all anyone can ask for, and something you should strive for and be proud of.