Visit SPC in St Arnaud and Mildura

St Patrick’s Primary, St Arnaud Information Session

Tuesday May 16 commencing at 5 pm

On Tuesday May 16 at 5 pm St Patrick’s College will travel to the regional town of St Arnaud to conduct an Information Session at St Patrick’s Primary School.

Prospective families will be able to hear about the exciting developments at the College and in particular about the fantastic Boarding facility currently under construction. The Information session will commence at 5 pm and will be an informal setting where parents can enquire about boarding for their sons commencing in 2018 from Year 7.

Mildura Field Days -“ May 19 and 20, 2017

St Patrick’s College for the first time will travel to the Mildura Field Days being held on May 19 and 20 at the SuniTAFE Field on Benetook Avenue, Mildura. If you are from the Mildura region, are an old boy, past parent of friend, please pop past the St Patrick’s College site to say hello and hear more about the happenings at the College.

For more information, contact College Registrar Caitlin Bennett on (03) 5322 4449 or by email on

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SPC Foundation

St Patrick’s College Foundation is supported by community donations, driving the expansion of its programs and facilities.

SPC Care

SPC Care supports students, families, staff, and Old Collegians during tough times like illness, accidents or unemployment.